Within the realm of mental health, recovery is seen as an individual living positively with or without the effects of their mental illness. This is an underlying concept of the recovery approach, which is endorsed for use in New Zealand. As a third year occupational therapy student, with a passion about mental health, the process of recovery interests me immensely. Within this blog I plan to discuss the use of the recovery approach within an acute mental health ward from an occupational therapists perspective.


On this page you will find information about the references I have used in my main blog. The references will be put into APA format. I hope you will find these useful if you are looking for further information.


Anthony, W. A. (1993). Recovery from mental illness: The guiding vision of the mental health service system in the 1990s. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 16(4), 11-13.

Caltaux, D. (2002). Internalised stigma – A barrier to recovery. New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy, 49(1), 25-27.

Changing Minds. (n.d.) Retrieved on 3 September, 2010, from http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/default.aspx?page=1648

Cowan, C. (2008). Supporting the journey of recovery in mental health. Wellington: Dunmore Publishing Ltd.

Dowling, H., & Hutchinson, A. (2008). Occupational therapy - its contribution to social inclusion and recovery. A Life in the Day, 12(3), 11-14. Retrieved from CINAHL with Full Text database.

Duxbury, J. A., Wright, K., Bradley, D., and Barnes P. (2010). Administration of medication in the acute mental health ward: Perspective of nurses and patients. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 19(1), 53–61.

Kelly, M., Lamont, S., & Brunero, S. (2010). An occupational perspective of the recovery journey in mental health. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(3), 129-135.

Lloyd, C., Waghorn, G. & Williams, P. L. (2008). Conceptualising recovery in mental health rehabilitation. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(8), 321-328.

Mental Health Commission. (1998). Blueprint for mental health services in New Zealand: How things need to be. Wellington: Author.

Mental Health Commission. (2001). Recovery competencies for mental health workers. Wellington: Author.

Mental Health Commission. (2004). Our lives in 2014: A recovery vision from people with experience of mental illness. Wellington: Author.

NZAOT. (2005). The role of occupational therapists working in mental health: Position statement. Retrieved on September 4th, 2010, from  http://www.nzaot.com/downloads/contribute/RoleofOTworkinginMentalhealthMay2005.pdf.

Reed, K. T. (2006). The historical context of the blueprint for mental health services. New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy, 53(1), 5-9.

What is an Inukshuk? (2006). Retrieved on 30 August, 2010, from http://www.inukshukgallery.com/inukshuk.html