On this page you will find information about the references I have used in my main blog. The references will be put into APA format. I hope you will find these useful if you are looking for further information.
Anthony, W. A. (1993). Recovery from mental illness: The guiding vision of the mental health service system in the 1990s. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Journal, 16(4), 11-13.
Caltaux, D. (2002). Internalised stigma – A barrier to recovery. New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy, 49(1), 25-27.
Changing Minds. (n.d.) Retrieved on 3 September, 2010, from http://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/default.aspx?page=1648
Cowan, C. (2008). Supporting the journey of recovery in mental health. Wellington: Dunmore Publishing Ltd.
Dowling, H., & Hutchinson, A. (2008). Occupational therapy - its contribution to social inclusion and recovery. A Life in the Day, 12(3), 11-14. Retrieved from CINAHL with Full Text database.
Duxbury, J. A., Wright, K., Bradley, D., and Barnes P. (2010). Administration of medication in the acute mental health ward: Perspective of nurses and patients. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 19(1), 53–61.
Kelly, M., Lamont, S., & Brunero, S. (2010). An occupational perspective of the recovery journey in mental health. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 73(3), 129-135.
Lloyd, C., Waghorn, G. & Williams, P. L. (2008). Conceptualising recovery in mental health rehabilitation. British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71(8), 321-328.
Mental Health Commission. (1998). Blueprint for mental health services in New Zealand: How things need to be. Wellington: Author.
Mental Health Commission. (2001). Recovery competencies for mental health workers. Wellington: Author.
Mental Health Commission. (2004). Our lives in 2014: A recovery vision from people with experience of mental illness. Wellington: Author.
NZAOT. (2005). The role of occupational therapists working in mental health: Position statement. Retrieved on September 4th, 2010, from http://www.nzaot.com/downloads/contribute/RoleofOTworkinginMentalhealthMay2005.pdf.
Reed, K. T. (2006). The historical context of the blueprint for mental health services. New Zealand Journal of Occupational Therapy, 53(1), 5-9.
What is an Inukshuk? (2006). Retrieved on 30 August, 2010, from http://www.inukshukgallery.com/inukshuk.html