Within the realm of mental health, recovery is seen as an individual living positively with or without the effects of their mental illness. This is an underlying concept of the recovery approach, which is endorsed for use in New Zealand. As a third year occupational therapy student, with a passion about mental health, the process of recovery interests me immensely. Within this blog I plan to discuss the use of the recovery approach within an acute mental health ward from an occupational therapists perspective.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Stigma and Discrimination

Check out this video from YouTube. It's an ad you will probably recognise if you are from New Zealand as it is part of the 'Like Minds, Like Mine' mental health awareness programme. This particular TV advertisement focuses on stigma and discrimination. Also, if this sparks an interest, the website for this mental health programme has many great resources, check it out - http://www.likeminds.org.nz/

My next post will be about stigma and discrimination in relation to recovery.

How do you think stigma might affect recovery? How can mental health workers, in particular occupational therapists, in an acute mental health setting deal with this stigma appropriately?

I'd love to hear your ideas and feedback!


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